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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

study week

Mid-terms and finals are the bane and avoiding of most students I'm sure. One final exam would be bad enough, but at the end of the semester we often have to take two or three exams in a single day sometimes! Even worse if we have one paper perday for a long time lagging period. It's like waiting for snowing in summer my dear! OMG... what a long time to face through the hard time instead of doing the best for final! It’s enough to make even the most studious among us pine for the life of a beach bum haaaaaaaaaa.......

If you find yourself in this unenviable position, here are some tips and tricks to help you make the best of a bad situation.

The quick list…

  1. Get to WORK NOW
  2. MAP out your path to success (of course you have to plan earlier! what else to wait sayang? Takkan nak tunggu final semester, then everything you'll put in compact and narrow sticky notes.. argghh... please don't do this honey!)
  3. CUT out the non-essentials and distractions. -__- (sacrifice for the sake of your performance!)
  4. IDENTIFY and CONCENTRATE on the big payoff items
  5. Don’t mistake work for progress
  6. MAXIMIZE your learning ability by working with your brain (as I’ve posted on throughout this blog)
  7. AVOID the big mistakes and reluctant students make in these situations
  8. The big deal is now NO PROCRASTINATION!!! (loud out shout! )

Read on for the full scoop on how to apply each of these!

Get to work now! Stop daydreaming about being a beach bum or as Pak Kadok! Daydreaming when you should have been hitting the books is what got you into this mess in the first place. As one pundit observed, “If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.” You can have dream to achieve success but what the important most now is you should struggle for the best. Give all out where you can meet Mr. S.A.T.I.S.F.A.C.T.I.O.N afterall that you have give out the maximum efforts that you tend to.

Map out your path to success. That is, come up with a plan to maximize the time you have left; then STICK to the plan. Sketch out a daily plan from now until exam days. It's like doing rough timetable. No need such details on your schedule because to me I believe that we'll not follow as it planned before right? Hahahah cuz I'm the one like that.. aaaahhhaa... Don’t waste time searching the internet for the perfect online scheduling solution or fritter away precious minutes trolling the aisles of the office supply store weighing the merits of the RM100++, leather-bound planner versus the RM40++, plastic version. Those are procrastination tactics designed to delay the inevitable. Pull out a couple of pieces of notebook paper right now and map out an hour-by-hour schedule for each day from now until the end of the ordeal. Block off all those necessaries such as pray time,sleep time and classes.Purposely, do it according to the prior one... Not to put everything or all subjects to be covered in a day! Boleh jadi gila tau sayang....

Cut out all the non-essentials and distractions and send appropriate email or text/SMS apologies. For instance, email your buddies a quick Sorry. Can’t make the monster truck rally this week. Finals are eating my lunch. Pray for me!” Turn off the cell phone (or other technology distractors) for most of the day" or "As-salam, ___ dengan rendah hatinye memohon maaf atas segala kesalahan,kesulitan or kekasaran selama kite berkawan and belajar selama ni. Mintak halal ilmu, makan minum and so on laaa.. blaa.. bla... " . The most important part is ask for a great BLESS from your teachers/lecturers and parents! Ouhh mama ___ mintak maaf if ___ ade buat salah n terkasar bahasa.Mintak halal segalanya eyh... Doakan yang TERBAIK untuk __ eyh... (baru la jadi anak mithali my dear). Plan a few times each day to turn it back on and check messages. Respond to the most urgent and delay the others. You may have to go somewhere new to study. For instance, I knew that studying in my dorm room or at the library was not very efficient because friends would come find me there and gossiping or chatting those craps and lappy, FACEBOOK-ing constantly called me to come procrastinate. I might go to a McD area on the other side of my grandma's house to study.

I guess everyone have vast anticipations on how making an efficient study and maximizing the time left to study and struggling for the best. All what I can say now, I'll pray for everyone's best. Do THE BEST and great !!! Make your parents proud of you boys and girls out there. You'll have blast enjoy for upcoming semester break after all the final papers have finished. Once again Bella wishing you GOOD LUCK for the upcoming final exams and make use all good things in this limited study week! muahhh! love you guys!... <3

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